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About Tendril Tech

Growing People

Here at Tendril Tech, we understand that talent knows no bounds and that there are countless individuals out there with an innate aptitude for technology, yet they find themselves trapped in exhausting, low-paying jobs simply because they lack the knowledge of how to embark on a career in tech. Often, those left behind in this industry are individuals without financial means, people of color, or those facing various social challenges.

In a world where the technology sector experiences booming markets and a constant demand for talent, we recognize the critical need to bridge this gap. Our mission is to open doors and pave the way for those who need it the most. We firmly believe that by empowering and equipping these marginalized and underrepresented individuals with the skills and opportunities they deserve, we can not only improve their lives but also enhance the industry as a whole.

Our Commitments

  • Equal Opportunity: We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all, irrespective of their socioeconomic background, race, or social circumstances.

  • Education and Mentorship: Our programs offer mentorship and education to guide individuals on their path to a fulfilling tech career, emphasizing hands-on learning and real-world experience.

  • Advocacy: We tirelessly advocate for a more inclusive and diverse tech industry, pushing for equitable representation and opportunities.

  • Industry Progress: By opening doors for those who have been marginalized, we contribute to the progression and innovation of the tech industry as a whole.


Join us in our journey to make the technology sector more inclusive, diverse, and welcoming. Together, we can create a future where talent is recognized, nurtured, and given the opportunity to thrive, regardless of one's background or circumstances. We invite you to be a part of this transformative movement and help us bring about change, one tech career at a time.

Meet Our Team

Some of us know it's possible because some of us have done it

We are an entirely volunteer-driven team, united by a deep passion for eliminating the obstacles that hinder individuals with technology skills from entering the industry. Each of us brings decades of experience in tackling significant industry challenges. We have come together with a shared commitment to offer our services to newcomers, and we work tirelessly to transform the norms that sometimes impede progress within the tech sector.


Dave Harris

Executive Director

Hailing from humble beginnings, our Executive Director's journey from modest roots to a thriving tech career showcases his unwavering determination. His deep passion for nurturing and empowering individuals is rooted in the extraordinary financial freedom he achieved through his career, far surpassing his wildest expectations, inspiring him to pay it forward by creating opportunities for others.

His Story


Cari Thomas

Board Treasurer

With us since our founding, Cari Thomas is one of our veteran team members and has played a critical role in shaping our mission and projects. Cari bring experience and skills in helping Tendril Tech grow and make a measurable impact.


Erik Gordon

Board Treasurer

Erik Gordon joined Tendril Tech with the vision and drive to improve our Non-Profit Organization. Erik  is a leader, entrepreneur, connector and problem solver for people and businesses who are willing to think outside the box

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